Technologies of Energy Conversion in Smart Energy Systems


The course is devoted to the modern technologies for energy production, storage, transmission, distribution and conversion in Smart Energy Systems. These technologies lead to the sufficient changes in power system properties resulting in changing their principles of operation. The course is aimed primarily at the training specialists being aware of design, operation and scheduling issues for modern and perspective energy conversion technologies. According to the title, it is concentrated on fundamental issues like power and energy balances, an output and an efficiency of different energy conversion ways. The course is an survey- type course that gives an overview of the background for new technologies implementation, changing power systems construction paradigm. It provides a base for the other SES courses describing the full variety of up-to-date and perspective technologies.


  • to plan the transition of power systems towards Smart Energy Systems
  • to formulate the conditions for application of different types of energy sources and storage, T&D systems and demand-side management
  • to select and justify selection of energy sources, energy storages and Demand Response parameters
  • to combine basic methods of processing initial data for designing Smart Energy System
  • to evaluate the technical and economic efficiency of energy sources and storage technologies
  • to design the composition of different energy sources
  • to measure and interpret the data of Smart Energy Systems’ operation based on digital hardware
  • to be able to demonstrate high personal drive, result oriented and service minded work style, as well as the abilities of time and workload management, to act responsibly and account the interests of the larger community in mind; to work in a fast-paced and highly dynamic environment.
  • to be able to express ideas clearly and effectively in written and oral forms to the team members from different professional domains and of different cultures.


  • Problem based learning
  • Inquiry-based learning
  • Simulation-based learning
  • Design thinking approach
  • Flipped classrooms/learning


1. Introduction. The background of new technologies implementation

1.1. Sustainable energy development
1.2. Deconstructing power systems baseload paradigm
1.3. Advances in chemical, mechanical and electrical engineering

2. Smart Energy System properties. Decentralized vs. centralized power delivery scheme

2.1. Efficiency of energy conversion and transmission
2.2. Low inertia and changing power system properties
2.3. Advances in solution of main steady-state and transient problems and issues

3. Energy and power production

3.1. Increasing a variety of sources but facing essential restrictions in their dislocation
3.2. An analysis of regional and climatic features of energy and power production
3.3. A review of renewables and hydro

  • Hydro
  • Solar
  • Wind
  • Geothermal
  • Biomass
  • The others (tidal, etc.)

3.4. Hydrocarbon-based and nuclear-based plants upgrade: from conventional to high-efficient CHP

4. Energy and power storage

4.1. Storages for short-term energy accumulation

  • Electrochemical
  • Mechanical
  • Electrical and electromagnetic
  • Thermal and others

4.2. Long-term energy storage. Synthesis of fuels

5. Transmission and distribution

5.1. A necessity for grid reinforcement and advanced management
5.2. Issues of power system behavior associated with power electronics
5.3. FACTS
5.4. HVDC and MVDC

6. Demand-Side Management as a mean of electric energy consumption optimization

6.1. Demand response
6.2. A system effect on electric vehicles
6.3. Managing local energy surpluses. Turning economics to electric energy

7. Practical activities and laboratory works

7.1 Photovoltaic power (lab set)
7.2 Wind power (lab set)
7.3 Energy storage (lab set)
7.4 Micro hydro generation (lab set)
7.5 Managing CHP power and energy balances (practical training)
7.6 Choosing gas turbine and reciprocating engine power plant primary equipment (practical training)
7.7 Calculating PV / wind generation power and energy balances (practical training)
7.8 Designing PV plant / wind farm general layout (practical training)
7.9 Sizing battery storage and determining EVs system influence (practical training)
7.10 Adjusting demand response via the given market conditions (practical training)

1. Laptop/computer/tablet; audiovisual equipment (screen projection unit, audio, interactive blackboard, TV)
2. Three lab benches: PV panel laboratory bench, wind turbine laboratory bench, energy storage (battery) charging/discharging process, micro hydro power generation laboratory bench
3. 1-2 laptops or computers with Matlab Simulink including SIM Power System library OR AURORA program complex for planning generation OR some analog

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