Ural Federal University

Professional training program for university teachers in the field of “Power Engineering” aimed at holistic view of the state-of-the-art theory and practice of building intelligent systems and machine learning methods for solving power industry applied problems.

The course was implemented in 2019 as part of the International scientific and methodological center for the transfer of digital economy competencies of UrFU, the main goal of which is to disseminate the best international practices in teaching and research in mathematics, informatics and digital economy technologies, as well as with the support of the European Union within the “Essence” project  Erasmus+ Program.

As part of mastering the presented course, the students are expected to conduct their own theoretical and experimental research in the machine learning and applied intelligent systems engineering, and acquire skills in working with tools for representing, processing and analyzing knowledge.

After completing the course, each student is issued a certificate of advanced studies of UrFU.

The course is based on the knowledge and experience, gained by Ural Federal University teachers in Erasmus+ ESSENCE project. As it comes from the surveying campaign, conducted by the Erasmus+ KA2 ESSENCE CBHE ESSENCE project consortium, the establishment of smart energy systems first of all requires their in-depth understanding by the academic staff of the technical universities. This course was created by UrFU specialists to train the critical mass of academics country-wide in order to assure smooth transition of the industry towards smart energy systems. The course propagates ideas of the ESSENCE project and global energy transition through the academic environment, providing multiplicative dissemination and literacy effect.

More information about the program and admission procedure could be found here.